The most important component of your website REVEALED: Email address capture!

So you have your business up and running, you have a few followers on the socials and a list of word-of-mouth contacts in the industry. But one day, Meta blows up, FB & IG vanish off the face of the Earth, or your phone dies and you lose your entire follower list and contact details. You wish you had a list somewhere of all the people who have followed you or are interested in your services so you could market to these people. If only there was such a list…

Well I have good news for you! Here's the secret sauce to selling your services online: capturing people's email addresses through your website! It’s so underrated and often an afterthought when people set up their website. But I believe it is THE most important component on your website for a service-based business.

Why is it so important? Well, think of email addresses as a way to reach out to potential customers who are actually interested in what you offer. They’re so keen to see what you do, they’ve handed over their precious email address, which shouldn’t be taken for granted. And the best part? You have complete control over your email list, unlike social media platforms that can be unpredictable. We all know someone who’s Insta account was hacked or banned and they lost access to their entire contact list in a matter of minutes! Email is forever baby (unless of course, your contact unsubscribes, which is a legal right and should be respected).

1. The Power of Email Capture

Alright, let's break it down. When I say "capturing email addresses," I mean getting people to share their email with you. Now, why is this a big deal? Well, imagine having a bunch of email addresses from people who are genuinely interested in what you do. These are folks who are more likely to buy from you in the future. And the best part is, you can always reach out to them directly through email, no matter what happens on social media.

It's like having a list of potential customers at your fingertips - absolute GOLD!

2. How do you get email addresses in the first place?

Now, let's talk about how you can get those email addresses in the first place. Here are some simple and effective strategies:

Offer a Freebie

Give something valuable away for free, like an ebook, guide, or template. I give away an interactive PDF that helps people gather content for their new website.

When people want that freebie, they'll give you their email address in return. It's a win-win!

Share Exclusive Pricing

Want to give people a reason to share their email with you? How about offering them access to special pricing or exclusive discounts? Everyone loves a good deal!

If you don’t offer discounts, you can set up a form that will deliver your price list to whoever is interested. They get more clarity on what you charge, and you get their email address knowing they’ve taken the time to find out about what you do.

Sign up for a Newsletter
Encourage visitors to your website to sign up for your newsletter. Promise them regular updates, helpful tips, and valuable insights. Make it easy for them to sign up with a simple form. Your newsletter can be as simple as a monthly bite-sized ‘tip of the month’, it doesn’t have to take too much time out of your schedule.

Have an Online Enquiry Form

When people enquire about your services or products through a contact form on your website, ask them for their email address. This way, you can follow up with them and keep the conversation going. You can use tick boxes to discern exactly which service this person is interested in, which makes it easier to tailor the next step in your customer journey.

These emails are your highest priority and most likely to buy/book with you.

Plug the above on Social Media
If you're active on social media, use it to your advantage and make sure you get the email addresses of your followers. Encourage them to join your email list by highlighting the exclusive content or special offers they'll receive by subscribing.

3. What do you do once you have the email addresses?

Alright, you've got those email addresses which I’ve previously said are like gold bullions in your bank, so what's next? How do you turn those contacts into actual sales? Here are some of the best ways to use them:

Write awesome, personalised emails
Don't send generic emails, your customers have enough of those. Instead, craft messages that feel like they're written just for the person receiving them. In programs like Flodesk & Mailchimp you can even include their first name to make it really friendly. It shows you care and makes them more likely to take action.

Set up automatic emails
Ever received a series of emails over time that kept you engaged? That's called a drip campaign. You can set up automatic emails to be sent at different intervals. Maybe you want to deliver an offer just to the people who signed up to your freebie? Or maybe you want to touch base with those who signed up through your enquiry form, knowing that they’re ripe and ready to book. Tailor your emails to the different segments making your audience feel seen!

Offer exclusive deals
Treat your email subscribers with something special. Give them exclusive discounts or early access to promotions. It's a great way to build loyalty and make them feel appreciated.

Share valuable content
Keep your subscribers engaged by sharing useful content. Share industry insights, tips, and guides that are relevant to what you do. Show them that you're the go-to expert in your field. You want to give your audience lots of value, don’t think of it as giving advice away for free, more like giving them a taste of what it would be like to work with you.

So, there you have it! Capturing email addresses is crucial for small businesses like yours that sell services online. Instagram & Facebook suddenly blow up and vanish off the face of the Earth? Who cares! You’ll have a huge database of email addresses that are yours alone, these ARE your followers!

If you need help integrating these strategies into your website, I'm here for you! Let's chat about how we can optimise your website to start driving more sales through the power of email.

Integrate these email capture items into your website and start driving more sales!

Enter your details below, and wink nudge, sign up to my email list ;-) I’ll send you tips & tricks on how to build & nurture your email list and other ways to make sure your website is working hard for you!

Let’s get your own email list big and juicy and ripe for turning into customers.


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